Freon Refrigerant R-141b 13.6 kg Ready To Ship

R-141b is a colorless transparent liquid.
The physical and chemical properties of R141b refrigerant are similar to those of R11, R113, this allows the use of R141b in equipment where R11, R113 were used.

Chemical name: freon 141b – 1-Fluoro-1,1-dichloroethane. Freon 141v (chemical formula: CFCl2CH3)

Description Freon R141b
Freon R141b is used as a coolant for air conditioners and heat pumps, a propellant, a blowing agent for the production of foam plastics, a solvent, and as a substitute for R11 and R113 for cleaning refrigeration and other equipment.

Freon Refrigerant R-141b 13.6 kg Ready To Ship

Cleaning the system with freon R141b (flushing liquid), similar to R11, can be carried out by circulating through a pump with the connection of standard equipment (valves, inspection windows, fittings and filters) or using liquid nitrogen (pressure 7-8 bar). Vessels with R141b freon, equipped with connecting valves, can be pressurized by the consumer himself, but not more than 2/3 of the service pressure of the cylinders and with a maximum limit of 10 bar. For this, use pressure gauges connected to nitrogen cylinders. To increase cleaning power, it is recommended to use R141b freon separately for each element of the installation, in addition to the compressor, directing the R-141b freon in a counterflow direction. In this case, it is rational to use flexible transparent hoses in order to ensure the cleanliness of the washing liquid, and therefore the cleanliness of the equipment being washed. But the transparency of the sleeves may deteriorate over time.