R141b Refrigerant Gas with 99.99% Purity All Sizes

Physical Property

Molecular Formula C2H3CL2F
Molecular Weight 116.9
Boiling Point 32.1ºC
Critical Temperature 204.15ºC
Critical Pressure 4.25Mpa
ODP 0.086
GWP 0.15

R141b Refrigerant Gas with 99.99% Purity All Sizes

HCFC-141b is a hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC). Its chemical name is 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane and its Chemical Abstracts Registry Number is 1717-00-6. HCFC-141b has been used as a solvent and as a foam blowing agent in the manufacture of diverse products ranging from refrigerators to building insulation. Under the U.S. Clean Air Act (Title VI, Section 602), HCFC-141b is a class II ozone-depleting substance (ODS). Under the Montreal Protocol, the group of HCFCs are listed as Annex C, Group I controlled substances.

Model R141B
Molecular formula CH3CCL2F
Molecular Weight 116.95
Boiling point 101.3Pa(°C) I 32.05
Freezing point (1atm),°C -103.5
Density (g/cm3) 0.433
Critical temperature(°C) 204.5
Critical pressure(MPA) 4.34
ODP 0.01
GWP 630
Purity ≥99.7%
Water content ≤0.003%
Acidity ≤0.0001%
Evaporation residue ≤0.01%
Chloride content
Appearance Colorless and clear
Odor Odorless